Viimeviikonloppuna osallistui kaksi kasvattiani ”Paku” Utamuutin Babylon ja ”Karo” Utamuutin Kaertok sekä osaomistuskoirani ”Lila” Quinault’s Extreme North ALMA-yhdistyksen Karelia Challenge kilpailuun lappeenrannassa. Karo ja Lila juoksivat Ulla-Maijan valjakossa ja Paku Kiibu kaverinaan Villen tiimissä.
Viikolla koirat saivat myös KC-nenäsumutteet, jospa sen voimalla pysyis kennelyskä poissa, ainakin tähän mennessä toiminut hyvin onko syynä sitten KC vai jokin muu tiedäppä sitä. Samalle päivälle sattui mukava pakkaskeli ja saimme Annen kanssa otettua miltei koko laumasta uusia kuvia, jokunen niistä tässä alla.
Tänään kävimme sitten Annen kanssa kasilla lenkin. On mukava nähdä kuinka koirat ovat kehittyneet ja oppineet toimimaan tiiminä.
Last weekend attended two boys from my litters "Paku" Utamuutin Babylon and "Karo" Utamuutin Kaertok as well "Lila" Quinault's Extreme North whom co-owner I am to Karelia ALMA club Challenge competition in Lappeenranta. Karo and Lila ran Ulla-Maija's team, and Paku with Kiibu in Villes team.
In this week all the dogs also received the KC-nasal sprays, maybe it’s the power to keep out of the kennel cough, at least so far it has worked well whether the reason is KC or some other thing never know. The same day were a nice cold weather so with Anne we were taken new pictures almost whole gang, few of them here below.
Today Anne and I went run with 8-team. It is nice to see how dogs have developed and learned to work together as a team.
In this week all the dogs also received the KC-nasal sprays, maybe it’s the power to keep out of the kennel cough, at least so far it has worked well whether the reason is KC or some other thing never know. The same day were a nice cold weather so with Anne we were taken new pictures almost whole gang, few of them here below.
Today Anne and I went run with 8-team. It is nice to see how dogs have developed and learned to work together as a team.
Nero |
Arska |
"Laikku" Utamuutin O'Mayok |
Awa |
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